Soal-Soal UTS Data Mining Jurusan Teknik Informatika

Admin 10:23 PM

Jelaskan pengertian datamining dan KDD!

Serangkaian proses untuk menggali nilai tambah berupa informasi yang selama ini tidak diketahui secara manual dari suatu basisdata. Informasi yang dihasilkan diperoleh dengan cara mengekstraksi dan mengenali pola yang penting atau menarik dari data yang terdapat dalam basisdata.

Sebutkan hal-hal yang melatarbelakangi datamining?

Melimpahnya data (overload data) yang dialami oleh berbagai institusi, perusahaan atau organisasi.
Merlimpahnya data ini merupakan akumulasi data transaksi yang terekam bertahun-tahun..
Data–data tersebut merupakan data transaksi yang umumnya diproses menggunakan aplikasi komputer yang biasa disebut dengan OLTP (On Line Transaction Processing).

Sebutkan dan jelaskan manfaat penggunaan datamining?

Dari sudut pandang komersial,
pemanfaatan dataming dapat digunakan dalam menangani meledaknya volume data. Bagaimana mana menyimpannya,  mengestraknya serta memanfaaatkannya. Berbagai teknik komputasi dapat digunakan menghasilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Informasi yang dihasilkan menjadi asset untuk meningkatkan daya saing suatu institusi. Data mining tidak hanya digunakan untuk menangani persoalan menumpuknya data/informasi dan bagaimana menggudangkannya tanpa kehilangan informasi yang penting (warehousing). Data mining juga diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan atau menjawab kebutuhan bisnis itu sendiri, misalnya:
Bagaimana mengetahui hilangnya pelanggan karena pesaing
Bagaimana mengetahui item produk atau konsumen yang memiliki kesamaan karakteristik
Bagaimana mengidentifikasi produk-produk yang terjual bersamaan dengan produk lain.
Bagaimana memprediski tingkat penjualan
Bagaimana menilai tingkat resiko dalam menentukan jumlah produksi suatu item.
Bagaimana memprediksi prilaku bisnis di masa yang akan datang
Remote sensor yang ditempatkan pada suatu satelit
Telescope yang digunakan untuk memindai langit
Simulasi saintifik yang membangkitkan data dalam ukuran terabytes
Dari sudut pandang keilmuan
Data mining dapat digunakan untuk mengcapture, menganlisis serta menyimpan data yang bersifat real-time dan sangat besar, misalnya:

Sebutkan dan jelaskan manfaat secara singkat tahap KDD?

KDD adalah keseluruhan proses non-trivial untuk mencari dan mengidentifikasi pola (pattern) dalam data, dimana pola yang ditemukan bersifat sah, baru, dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dimengerti. Serangkaian proses tersebut yang memiliki tahap sebagai berikut
Pembersihan data dan integrasi data (cleaning and integration)
Proses ini digunakan untuk membuang data yang tidak konsisten dan bersifat noise dari data yang terdapat di berbagai basisdata yang mungkin berbeda format maupun platform yang kemudian diintegrasikan dalam satu database datawarehouse.

Sebutkan dan jelaskan berbagai metode seleksi?

Sampling, adalah seleksi subset representatif dari populasi data yang besar.
Denoising, adalah proses menghilangkan noise dari data yang akan ditransformasikan
Feature extraction, adalah proses membuka spesifikasi data yang signifikan dalam konteks tertentu.
Sebutkan dan jelaskan berbagai metode transformasi?
Centering, mengurangi setiap data dengan rata-rata dari setiap atribut yang ada.
Normalisation, membagi setiap data yang dicentering dengan standar deviasi dari atribut bersangkutan.
Scaling, mengubah data sehingga berada dalam skala tertentu.
Sebutkan dan jelaskan minimal 4 fungsi yang umum diterapkan dalam datamining?
Assosiation, adalah proses untuk menemukan aturan assosiatif antarasuatu kombinasi item dalam suatu waktu
Secuence, hampir sama dengan association bedanya seccuencediterapkan lebih dari satu periode.
Clastering, adalah proses pengelompokan sejumlah data/obyek kedalam kelompok-kelompok data (klaster) sehingga setiap klaster akanberisi data yang saling mirip.
Classification, adalah proses penemuan model atau fungsi yangmenjelaskan atau membedakan konsep atau kelas data, dengan tujuanuntuk dapat memperkirakan kelas dari suatu objek yang labelnya tidakdiketahui.

Berikan 4 contoh dan penjelasan implementasi datamining?

Analisa Pasar dan Manajemen
Untuk analisa pasar, banyak sekali sumber data yang dapat digunakan seperti transaksi kartu kredit, kartu anggota club tertentu, kupon diskon, keluhan pembeli, ditambah dengan studi tentang gaya hidup publik.

Sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi menerapkan data mining untuk melihatdari jutaan transaksi yang masuk, transaksi mana sajakah yang masih harusditangani secara manual (dilayani oleh orang). Tujuannya tidak lain adalahuntuk menambah layanan otomatis khusus untuk transaksi-transaksi yangmasih dilayani secara manual. Dengan demikian jumlah operator penerimatransaksi manual tetap bisa ditekan minimal.

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network di Amerika Serikat baru-baru inimenggunakan data mining untuk me-nambang trilyunan dari berbagai subyek seperti property, rekening bank dan transaksi keuangan lainnya untuk mendeteksi transaksi-transaksi keuangan yang mencurigakan (seperti money laundry). Mereka menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut akan susah dilakukan jika menggunakan analisis standar.  ( Mungkinsudah saatnya juga Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia menggunakan teknologi ini untuk mendeteksi aliran dana BLBI.

Australian Health Insurance Commision menggunakan data mining untukmengidentifikasi layanan kesehatan yang sebenarnya tidak perlu tetapi tetap dilakukan oleh peserta asuransi. Hasilnya? Mereka berhasil menghemat satu juta dollar per tahunnya. ATentu saja ini tidak hanya bias diterapkan untuk asuransi kesehatan, tetapi juga untuk berbagai jenis asuransi lainnya.

Jelaskan pengetian dari metodologi datamining berikut ini?

Regresi, Adalah fungsi pembelajaran yang memetakan sebuah unsure data ke sebuah variable prediksi bernilai nyata.
Jaringan syaraf tiruan, Adalah jaringan dari sekelompok unit pemroses kecil yang dimodelkan berdasarkan jaringan saraf manusia. JST merupakan sistem adaptif yang dapat merubah strukturnya untuk memecahkan masalah berdasarkan informasi eksternal maupun internal yang mengalir melalui jaringan tersebut.
Pohon keputusan,  adalah digunakan untuk memodelkan persoalan yang terdiri dari serangkaian keputusan yang mengarah ke solusi. Tiap simpul dalam menyatakan keputusan, sedangkan daun menyatakan solusi.
Algoritma genetika, adalah teknik pencarian yang di dalam ilmu komputer untuk menemukan penyelesaian perkiraan untuk optimisasi dan masalah pencarian. Atau juga dapat disebut kelas khusus dari algoritma evolusioner dengan menggunakan teknik yang terinspirasi oleh biologi evolusioner seperti warisan, mutasi, seleksi alam dan rekombinasi (atau crossover)

Jelaskan pengertian datawarehousing dari inmon dan Poe!

Menurut W.H. Inmon dan Richard D.H., data warehousing adalah koleksi data yang mempunyai sifat berorientasi subjek,terintegrasi,time-variant, dan bersifat tetap dari koleksi data dalam mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan management.
Menurut Vidette Poe, data warehousing merupakan basisdata yang bersifat analisis dan read only yang digunakan sebagai fondasi dari sistem penunjang keputusan.
Jelaskan pengertian dari istilah-istilah warehousing berikut ini?
Datamart, adalah Data warehouse yang mendukung kebutuhan pada tingkat departemen atau fungsi bisinis tertentu dalam perusahaan.
OLAP, adalah sebuah pendekatan secara cepat menyediakan jawaban-jawaban terhadap kueri analitik yang multidimensi di dalam alam. OLAP adalah bagian dari kategori yang lebih global dari pemikiran bisnis, yang juga merangkum hubungan antara pelaporan dan penggalian data.
Dimention Table, adalah satu kumpulan tabel teman untuk meja fakta.
Fact Table, adalah tabel yang berisi pengukuran tentang meter atau fakta cara bisnis . itu sering ditempatkan pada memusat skema bintang dan dikelilingi oleh tabel ukuran

Jelaskan perbedaan-perbedaan antara data operasional dengan data warehouse?

Data Operasional
Dirancang berorientasi hanya pada aplikasi dan fungsi tertentu
Fokusnya pada desain basisdata dan proses
Berisi rincian atau detail data
Relasi antar table berdasar aturan terkini(selalu mengikuti aturan terbaru)
Data Warehouse
Dirancang berdasar pada subjek-subjek tertentu (utama)
Focusnya pada pemodelan data dan desain data
Berisi data-data history yang akan dipakai dalam proses analisis
Banyak aturan bisnis dapat tersaji antara tabel-tabel

Sebutkan dan jelaskan secara singkat tugas-tugas yang dilakukan data warehouse?

Pembuatan laporan, Pembuatan laporan merupakan salah satu kegunaan data warehousing yang paling umum dilakukan. Dengan menggunakan query sederhana didapatkan laporan perhari,perbulan, pertahun atau jangka waktu kapanpun yang diinginkan.
On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), Dengan adanya data warehouse, semua informasi baik detail maupun hasil summary yang dibutuhkan dalam proses analisa mudah didapat. OLAP mendayagunakan konsep data multi dimensi dan memungkinkan para pemakai menganalisa data sampai mendetail, tanpa mengetikkan satupun perintah SQL. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena pada konsep multi dimensi, maka data yang berupa fakta yang sama bisa dilihat dengan menggunakan fungsi yang berbeda. Fasilitas lain yang ada pada sofware OLAP adalah fasilitas rool-up dan drill-down. Drill-down adalah kemampuan untuk melihat detail dari suatu informasi dan roll-up adalah kebalikannya.
Proses informasi eksekutif, data warehousing dapat membuat ringkasan informasi yang penting dengan tujuan membuat keputusan bisnis, tanpa harus menjelajahi keseluruhan data. Dengan menggunakan data warehousing segala laporan telah diringkas dan dapat pula mengetahui segala rinciannya secara lengkap, sehingga mempermudah proses pengambilan keputusan. Informasi dan data pada laporan data warehousing menjadi target informatif bagi pengguna.

Sebutkan 4 keuntungan menggunakan data warehouse!

Data diorganisir dengan baik untuk query analisis dan sebagai bahan untuk pemrosesan transaksi.
Perbedaan diantara struktur data yang heterogen pada beberapa sumber yang terpisah dapat diatasi.
Aturan untuk transformasi data diterapkan untuk memvalidasi dan mengkonsolidasi data apabila data dipindahkan dari basisdata OLTP ke data warehouse
Masalah keamanan dan kinerja bisa dipecahkan tanpa perlu mengubah sistem produksi.
Sebutkan dan jelaskan secara singkat tiga jenis dasar sistem data warehouse?
Data Warehouse Fungsional, Data warehouse dibuat lebih dari satu dan dikelompokan berdasar fungsi yang ada di dalam perusahaan seperti fungsi keuangan, marketing dan personalia.
Data Warehouse Terpusta, Sumber data dikumpulkan dalam satu tempat tempat terpusat, kemudian data tersebar ke dalam fungsinya masing-masing sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.
Data Warehouse Terdistribusi, dalam warehouse ini digunakan gateway yang berfungsi sebagai jemabatan penghubung antara data warehouse dengan workstation yang menggunakan sistem beranek ragam. Jadi dapat perusahaan dapat mengakses sumber data yang berada di luar lokasi perusahaan.

Sebutkan 3 jenis dasar dan kelebihan dari 3 jenis dasar sistem data warehouse!

Data Warehouse Fungsional, yaitu sistem mudah dibangun dengan biaya relatif murah.
Data Warehouse Terpusat, yaitu data benar-benar terpadu karena konsistensinya yang tinggi.
Data Warehouse Terdistribusi,nya yaitu data tetap konsisten karena sebelum data di gunakan data terlebih dahulu di sesuaikan atau mengalami proses sinkronisasi.

Sebutkan dan jelaskan komponen dari struktur data warehouse!

Current detail data, data detail yg aktif saat ini
Older detail data, “Merupakan data historis dari curen detail data
Lightly summarized data, merupakan hasil ringkasan dari curen detail data
Highly summarized data, Merupakan hasil ringkasan yang bersifat totalitas
Metadata, data tentang data


Sebutkan dan jelaskan 4 tahap awal metodologi dalam perancangan  basis data untuk data warehouse?

Predictive modeling,Adalah untuk membantu model untuk memprediksi suatu nilai yang mempunyai cirri-ciri tertentu.
Association analysis, adalah untuk menghasilkan sejumlah rule yang menjelaskan sejumlah data yang terhubung kuat satu dengan yang lainnya.
Clustering,Adalah untuk mengelompokan data yang sejenis sehingga data yang berada di cluster yang sama mempunyai banyak kesamaan dibandingkan dengan data yang ada di cluster yang berbeda.
Anomaly detection, adalah untuk menemukan anomaly atau outlier yaitu data yang berbeda dengan data-data yang lainnya.

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It's possible to trade profitably on the Forex, the nearly $2 trillion worldwide currency exchange market. But the odds are against you, even more so if you don't prepare and plan your trades. According to a 2014 Bloomberg report, several analyses of retail Forex trading, including one by the National Futures Association (NFA), the industry's regulatory body, concluded that more than two out of three Forex traders lose money. This suggests that self-education and caution are recommended. Here are some approaches that may improve your odds of taking a profit. Prepare Before You Begin Trading Because the Forex market is highly leveraged -- as much as 50 to 1 -- it can have the same appeal as buying a lottery ticket: some small chance of making a killing. This, however, isn't trading; it's gambling, with the odds long against you. A better way of entering the Forex market is to carefully prepare. Beginning with a practice account is helpful and risk-free. While you're trading in your practice account, read the most frequently recommended Forex trading books, among them Currency Forecasting: A Guide to Fundamental and Technical Models of Exchange Rate Determination, by Michael R. Rosenberg is short, not too sweet and highly admired introduction to the Forex market. Forex Strategies: Best Forex Strategies for High Profits and Reduced Risk, by Matthew Maybury is an excellent introduction to Forex trading. The Little Book of Currency Trading: How to Make Big Profits in the World of Forex, by Kathy Lien is another concise introduction that has stood the test of time. All three are available on Amazon. Rosenberg's book, unfortunately, is pricey, but it's widely available in public libraries. "Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude," by Mark Douglas is another good book that's available on Amazon, and, again, somewhat pricey, although the Kindle edition is not. Use the information gained from your reading to plan your trades before plunging in. The more you change your plan, the more you end up in trouble and the less likely that elusive forex profit will end up in your pocket. Diversify and Limit Your Risks Two strategies that belong in every trader's arsenal are: Diversification: Traders who execute many small traders, particularly in different markets where the correlation between markets is low, have a better chance of making a profit. Putting all your money in one big trade is always a bad idea. Familiarize yourself with ways guaranteeing a profit on an already profitable order, such as a trailing stop, and of limiting losses using stop and limit orders. These strategies and more are covered in the recommended books. Novice traders often make the mistake of concentrating on how to win; it's even more important to understand how to limit your losses. Be Patient Forex traders, particularly beginners, are prone to getting nervous if a trade does not go their way immediately, or if the trade goes into a little profit they get itchy to pull the plug and walk away with a small profit that could have been a significant profit with little downside risk using appropriate risk reduction strategies. In "On Any Given Sunday," Al Pacino reminds us that "football is a game of inches." That's a winning attitude in the Forex market as well. Remember that you are going to win some trades and lose others. Take satisfaction in the accumulation of a few more wins than losses. Over time, that could make you rich!
No car insurance resource would be complete without a comprehensive glossary of car insurance terms. We've compiled a list of terms and their definitions to better help you navigate the sometimes confusing world of insurance Accident - This is an unexpected sudden event that causes property damage to an automobile or bodily injury to a person. The event may be an at-fault or not-at fault and it may be report or unreported. An accident involving two vehicles may be termed a collision. Accident report form - This is the report filed by police, often called the police report, containing the important information regarding the vehicle collision. This report will include the names of all individuals involved, vehicles involved, property damaged and citations that were issued. Adjuster - This is the person who will evaluate the actual loss reported on the policy after an accident or other incident. They will make the determination on how much will be paid on the auto insurance policy by the Insurer. Agent - This is a licensed and trained individual who is authorized to sell and to service insurance policies for the auto insurance company. At Fault - This is the amount that you, the policy holder, contributed or caused the auto collision. This determines which insurance agency pays which portion of the losses. Auto Insurance Score - This is a score similar to credit score that evaluates the information in your consumer credit report. These scores are used when determining pricing for your auto insurance policy. Negative marks on your credit report can increase your auto insurance premiums. The use of this information to determine policy pricing does vary from state to state. Automobile Insurance - This is a type of insurance policy that covers and protect against losses involving automobiles. Auto Insurance policies include a wide range of coverage's depending on the policy holders needs. Liability for property damage and bodily injury, uninsured motorist, medical payments, comprehensive, and collision are some of the common coverage's offered under an auto insurance policy. Binder - This is a temporary short-term policy agreement put in place while a formal permanent policy is put into place or delivered. Bodily Injury Liability - This is the section of an insurance policy that covers the cost to anyone you may injure. It can include lost wages and medical expenses. Broker - This is a licensed individual who on your behalf sells and services various insurance policies. Claim - This is a formal notice made to your insurance company that a loss has occurred which may be covered under the terms of the auto insurance policy. Claims Adjuster - This person employed by the insurance agency will investigate and settle all claims and losses. A representative for the insurance agency to verify and ensure all parties involved with the loss, get compensated fairly and correctly. Collision - The portion of the insurance policy that covers damage to your vehicle from hitting another object. Objects can include but are not limited to; another vehicle, a building, curbs, guard rail, tree, telephone pole or fence. A deductible will apply. Your insurance company will go after the other parties insurance policy for these cost should they be at fault. Commission - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that is paid to the insurance agent for selling and servicing the policy on behalf of the company. Comprehensive - This is a portion of the insurance policy that covers loss caused by anything other than a collision or running into another object. A deductible will apply. This includes but is not limited to vandalism, storm damage, fire, theft, etc. Covered loss - This is the damage to yourself, other people or property or your vehicle that is covered under the auto insurance policy. Declarations Page - This is the part of the insurance policy that includes the entire legal name of your insurance company, your full legal name, complete car information including vehicle identification numbers or VIN, policy information, policy number, deductible amounts. This page is usually the front page of the insurance policy. Deductible Amount - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that is the amount the policy holder must pay up front before the Insurance Company contributes and is required to pay any benefits. This amount can be within a wide range in price and varies from approximately $100 - $1000. The larger amount you pay in a deductible the lower your normal monthly/yearly policy will cost. This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that would be applicable only to comprehensive or collision coverage. Discount - This is a reduction in the overall cost of your insurance policy. Deductions can be given for a variety of different reasons including a good driving record, grades, age, marital status, specific features and safety equipment on the automobile. Emergency Road Service - This is the part of an auto insurance policy that covers the cost of emergency services such as flat tires, keys locked in the car and towing services. Endorsement - This is any written change that is made to the auto insurance policy that is adding or removing coverage on the policy. Exclusion - This is the portion of the auto Insurance policy that includes any provision including people, places or things that are not covered under the insurance policy. First Party - This is the policyholder, the insured in an insurance policy. Gap Insurance - This is a type of auto insurance provided to people who lease or own a vehicle that is worth less than the amount of the loan. Gap auto Insurance will cover the amount between the actual cash value of the vehicle and the amount left on loan should the care be stolen or destroyed. High-Risk Driver - If you have a variety of negative marks on your insurance record including driving under the Influences, several traffic violations, etc. you may be labeled as a risk to the insurance company. This will increase your insurance policy or may make you ineligible for coverage. Insured - The policyholder (s) who are covered by the policy benefits in case of a loss or accident. Insurer - Is the Auto Insurance company who promises to pay the policy holder in case of loss or accident. Liability insurance - This part of an auto insurance policy which legally covers the damage and injuries you cause to other drivers and their vehicles when you are at fault in an accident. If you are sued and taken to court, liability coverage will apply to your legal costs that you incur. Most states will require drivers to carry some variation of liability coverage Insurance and this amount will vary state by state. Limits - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that explains and lists the monetary limits the insurance company will pay out. In the situation you reach these limits the policy holder will be responsible for all other expenses. Medical Payments Coverage - This is the portion of an auto insurance policy that pays for medical expenses and lost wages to you and any passengers in your vehicle after an accident. It is also known as personal injury protection or PIP. Motor Vehicle Report - The motor vehicle report or MVR is a record issued by the state in which the policy holder resides in that will list the licensing status, any traffic violations, various suspensions and./ or refractions on your record. This is one of the tools used in determining the premium prices offered by the insurance agency. This is also used to determine the probability of you having a claim during your policy period. No-Fault Insurance - If you reside within a state with no-fault insurance laws and regulations, your auto insurance policy pays for your injuries no matter who caused the accident. No-fault insurance states include; Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Utah and Washington, DC.. Non-Renewal - This is the termination of an auto insurance policy on the given expiration date. All coverage will cease as of this date and insurer will be released of promised coverage. Personal Property Liability - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that covers any damage or loss you cause to another person's personal property. Personal Injury Protection or PIP - This portion of an auto insurance policy pays for any lost wages or medical expenses to you and any passengers in your vehicle following an accident. PIP is also known as medical payments coverage. Premium - This is the amount charged to you monthly, yearly or any other duration agreed upon by insurance company and policy holder and paid directly to the auto insurance company. A premium is based on the type and amount of coverage you choose for your vehicle(s) and yourself. Other factors that will affect your insurance premium prices include your age, marital status, you're driving and credit report, the type of car you drive and whether you live in an urban or rural area. Premiums vary by insurance company and the location you live. Quotation - This is the amount or estimated amount the insurance will cost based on the information provided to the agent, broker or auto insurance company. Rescission.- This is the cancellation of the insurance policy dated back to its effective date. This would result in the full premium that was charged being returned. Rental Reimbursement - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that covers the cost of an automobile rental of similar size should the covered vehicle be in repair from a reported incident. Replacement Cost - This is the amount of money it would cost to replace a lost or damaged item at it is actually new replacement value. This monetary amount would be based on a new identical item in the current local market. Salvage - This is the auto insurance policy holders property that is turned over tot eh insurance agency in a loss final settlement. Insurance companies will sell the salvage property in hopes to recoup some of its monetary loss due to the loss and settlement. Second Party - this is the actual insurance company in the auto insurance policy. Surcharge - This is the amount added to your auto insurance policy premium after a traffic violation or an accident in which you were found to be at fault. Third Party - This is another person other than the policy holder and auto insurance company who has faced a loss and may be able to collect and be compensated on behalf of the policy holder's negligence. Total Loss - This is complete destruction to the insured property of a policy holder. It has been determined that it would be a great sum of money to repair the item rather than replace the insured piece of property to its state prior to the loss. Towing Coverage - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy that covers a specified amount for towing services and related labor costs. Under insured Driver - This is the portion of an auto insurance policy which covers injuries to you caused by a driver without enough insurance to pay for the medical expenses you have incurred from the accident. This is portion of the policy can vary state by state as some states include damage to the car in this section. Uninsured Driver or Motorist - This is the portion of the auto insurance policy which covers injuries to you caused by a driver who was without liability insurance at the time of the accident. Uninsured driver or motorist coverage comes in two different sections; uninsured motorist bodily injury and uninsured motorist property damage. Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage covers the injuries to you or any passenger in your vehicle when there is an accident with an uninsured driver. Uninsured motorist property damage coverage covers the cost for the property damage to your vehicle when there is an accident with an identified uninsured driver. Uninsured driver or motorist coverage must be offered when you purchase the required liability coverage for your vehicle. You must sign a declination waiver if you decline Uninsured driver or motorist coverage. The majority of states require drivers to carry some form of uninsured motorist coverage. Some states include damages to your car in this coverage. Vehicle Identification Number or VIN - A VIN is a 17 letter and number combination that is the identification of the specific vehicle. It will identify the make, modem and year of the automobile. This number is typically located on the driver's side window on the dash. It can also be found on the vehicles registration and title